- Channel Modeling and Estimation
- Energy Harvesting and Low Energy Communication
- Feedback and Two-Way Communication
- Holographic Surfaces and Reconfigurable Surfaces
- Information Theory and Channel Capacity
- Integrated Sensing and Communications
- Low Resolution Communication
- Millimeter Wave and Terahertz
- Next Generation MIMO and Massive MIMO
- Physical Layer Security
- Propagation and Interference Modeling
- Relaying and Self-Backhauling
- Short Packet and Finite Block Length Communications
- Visible Light Communications
- Modulation and Channel Coding
- Wireless Power and Information Transfer
- Waveforms, Coding and Modulation
- Iterative Techniques, Detection, and Decoding
- Nonlinear signal processing
- Statistical signal processing
- Multi-rate Signal Processing in Communications
- Signal Processing in Mobile Communications
- Signal Processing in Optical Communications
- Signal Processing in Software Radio Realization
- Radar and sonar signal processing
- Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
- Signal processing for computer vision and robotics
- Signal processing over graphs and networks
- Signal processing for the internet of things
- Design/implementation of signal processing systems
- Image/Video Processing and Coding
- Multidimensional Signal Processing
- Image Processing & Understanding
- Image Compression and Transmission
- Image Recovery
- Watermarking and Information Hiding
- Video Compression & Streaming
- Scheduling and Opportunism
- Resource Management
- URLLC, Time Sensitive and Deterministic Networking
- Network Slicing
- Routing and Congestion Control
- Multi-hop Networks
- Multiple Access and Contention
- Cooperative Communication and Networking
- Cognitive Radio and Networking
- Spectrum Sensing, Access, and Sharing
- Wireless Network Security and Privacy
- Backscatter Communications
- Edge Computing, Edge Intelligence and Fog Networks
- Network Economics
- Energy-Efficient and Green Networking
- RAN Data Collection and Storage Enhancement
- Unlicensed Spectrum and Licensed/Unlicensed Inter-networking
- Optical Fibers and Fiber-based Devices
- Optical Transmission Systems, Sub-systems and Technologies
- Networks Architectures, Management and Applications
- Materials, Devices and Optoelectronics Integration
- Microwave Photonics and Optical Signal Processing
- Quantum photonics and applications
- Machine learning for photonics and communications
- Performance analysis of optical communications and networks
- Flexible-grid elastic optical networks
- Energy-efficient/green optical communications and networks
- Optical wireless communication applications for future networks
- Hybrid radio frequency/optical wireless communication systems and networks
- Deep Learning for Wireless
- Reinforcement Learning for Wireless
- Federated Learning and Distributed Learning for Wireless Networks
- Unsupervised, Semi-supervised Learning and Generative Models
- Communication-inspired Machine Learning (ML) for 6G
- End-to-end ML over Wireless Channels
- Scalability of ML for Wireless
- Performance Analysis of ML Techniques for Wireless
- Beam Management based on ML
- Data-driven Network Modelling and Optimization
- Networking Architectures for Artificial Intelligence
- AI Service Provisioning in Wireless Networks
- Intelligent Green Wireless Networking
- Bayesian Optimization for Wireless
- Convex and Non-Convex Optimization for Wireless
- Semantic and Goal-Oriented Communications
- Game Theoretic Approaches to Wireless
- Datasets for Wireless Systems and Channels
- Sensing and Localization
- Joint Radar and Communications
- Connected Vehicles and Vehicle to Everything (V2X)
- UAVs and Non-Terrestrial Networks
- Satellite and Deep Space Communications
- Intelligent Beamforming Relays
- Molecular and Nano Communications
- IoT and Machine Type Communications
- Software Defined Radio and Networks
- 5G NR and 6G standardization
- 802.11 and next generation Wi-Fi
- Blockchain and Cryptography
- Quantum Communications
- Innovative implanted and wearable devices
- Networking support for virtual and augmented reality
- Backhaul/Fronthaul Networking & Communications
- Integrated Sensing, Computing and Communications
- Joint communication, sensing and computing architecture design
- Performance analysis for joint communication, sensing and computing system or subsystems
- Performance optimization for joint communication, sensing and computing system or subsystems
- Distributed edge computing systems with communication and sensing ability
- AI for joint communication, sensing and computing system or subsystems
- Transmission modelling and signal processing for joint communication, sensing and computing system or subsystems
- Hardware design and simulation for joint communication, sensing and computing system or subsystems
- Big data collection and analysis for joint communication, sensing and computing system or subsystems
- Air-ground integration and vehicular system for joint communication, sensing and computing system or subsystems
- Application of edge/fog/cloud computing in space-air computing
- Multi-type resource scheduling and allocation schemes for space-air computing
- Software-defined networking and network function virtualization technology in space-air computing
- Communication architecture for space-air computing
- AI-enabled space-air computing
- Standards and protocols in space-air computing networks for 6G
- Design and evaluation of performance metrics in space-air computing
- Security and privacy issues in space-air computing
- Blockchain for space-air computing applications
- Federated learning based on space-air computing
- Application of distributed AI models in space-air computing
- Exploitation of highly dynamic topologies in space-air computing
- Routing techniques in space-air computing
- Security challenges in space-aerial/terrestrial communications
- Physical layer security techniques for UAVs and satellite communications
- Use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in space-aerial/terrestrial security
- Encryption techniques for space-aerial/terrestrial communications
- Cover space-aerial/terrestrial communications
- Authentication, authorization, and accounting for space-aerial/terrestrial security
- Design and evaluation of secure performance in space-aerial/terrestrial communications
- Standards and protocols for secure space-aerial/terrestrial communications
- Reconfigurable intelligent surface based secure space-aerial/terrestrial communication systems
- Big data analytics tools/techniques in space-aerial/terrestrial security
- Verticals and business (non-technical) security requirements and solutions for space-aerial/terrestrial communications
- Quantum Safe Cryptography for space-aerial/terrestrial communications
- Secure data storage, communications, and computing in space-aerial/terrestrial networks
- Polymorphic intelligent network architecture design
- Performance analysis for polymorphic intelligent network
- Performance optimization for polymorphic intelligent network
- Future network development paradigm
- New network core technology
- New network identification and addressing routing
- Network programming and compilation
- Network measurement and perception
- Network intelligence and intelligent computing
- Applications based on polymorphic intelligent network
Submission Guidelines →